This file defines the names of the movies in the movies viewing option in game.
First column is just the filename of MVE file.
2nd column is the strref to the name in dialog.tlk for this movie viewing option.
In BG1 TotS we have:
2DA V1.0 -1 DESCRIPTION BEREGOST 19659 BGENTER 19660 BHAAL 19661 CAMP 19662 CNDLKEEP 19663 DUNGEON 19664 ELDRCITY 19665 ENDMOVIE 19666 FRARMINN 19667 GNOLL 19668 INTRO 19669 IRONTHRN 19670 MINEFLOD 19671 NASHKELL 19672 PALACE 19673 SEWER 19674 TAVERN 19675 WYVERN 19676 TSRLOGO 20697 BG4LOGO 20698 BILOGO 20699 INFELOGO 20700 DURLAG 24075 WRECK 24076