
This file defines reputation effect on the happiness of a characters and other CREs.
The first column consists of the levels of reputation.
The columns 2-4 consists of the values of NPCs happiness depending on their alignment (GOOD, NEUTRAL or EVIL).
The crossings of columns indicate happiness of NPC with given alignment in relation to party with defined reputation.
In BG1 TotS we have:
2DA V1.0
           GOOD       NEUTRAL    EVIL
1          -300       -300       80
2          -300       -160       80
3          -160       -160       80
4          -160       -80        80
5          -160       -80        80
6          -80        0          80
7          -80        0          0
8          -80        0          0
9          0          0          0
10         0          0          0
11         0          0          0
12         0          0          0
13         80         0          -80
14         80         0          -80
15         80         0          -80
16         80         0          -160
17         80         0          -160
18         80         0          -160
19         80         -80        -300
20         80         -80        -300