This file assigns the text descriptions to states (strrefs).
The first column is filled by values of various states (indicated by icons in character screen or on character picture).
The second one contains of strrefs to text descriptions of the states.
In IWD TotL we have:
2DA V1.0 -1 DESCRIPTION 0 17391 1 17392 2 17393 3 17394 4 17395 5 17396 6 17397 7 17398 8 17399 9 17400 10 17401 11 17402 12 17403 13 17404 14 17405 15 17406 16 17407 17 17408 18 17409 19 17410 20 17411 21 17412 22 17413 23 17414 24 17415 25 17416 26 17417 27 17418 28 17419 29 17420 30 17421 31 17422 32 17423 33 17424 34 17425 35 17426 36 17427 37 10953 38 10954 39 11330 40 11798 41 11799 42 11800 43 14701 44 14703 45 14704 46 14705 47 23740 48 14706 49 14707 50 14708 51 14709 52 23742 53 14712 54 23744 55 14715 56 14716 57 14717 58 9462 59 14718 60 14719 61 14580 62 14720 63 23745 64 14579 65 23746 66 14575 67 14726 68 14727 69 14728 70 14733 71 14740 72 24385 73 24384 74 24383 75 19535 76 24381 77 26852 78 26868 79 26869 80 26865 81 26866 82 26867