
Used by the Monster Summoning effect (#127), specified by the second parameter.
The first column is an identifer. The second column contains the filename of cre files. These are the creatures that can be summoned by the spell referencing this 2da.
In BG2: ToB we have (monsum03.2da):
2DA V1.0
1          ettercsu   
2          ogregrsu   
Description applies to:
anisum01.2da - Animal Summoning I
anisum02.2da - Animal Summoning II
anisum03.2da - Animal Summoning III
anisum04.2da - Animal Summoning IV
monsum1.2da - Monster Summoning I
monsum2.2da - Monster Summoning II
monsum3.2da - Monster Summoning III
monsum4.2da - Monster Summoning IV
monsum5.2da - Monster Summoning V
monsum6.2da - Monster Summoning VI
monsum7.2da - Monster Summoning VII