This file defines the racial enemies names and their descriptions.
First column consists of enemies identifiers
Second one is just the strref consisting of name of enemy
Third consists of reference to RACE.IDS
Last one consists of strref to longer description of enemy.
In BG2 ToB we have:
2DA V1.0 4294967296 STRREF IDS STRREF_HELP BEHOLDER 54770 123 54772 DEMONIC 54760 121 54762 DRAGON 54816 146 54817 ELEMENTAL 54814 145 54815 ETTERCAP 15969 107 15990 FAIRY 54758 120 54759 GENIE 54818 147 54819 GHOUL 15970 108 15991 GOLEM 54812 144 54813 HOBGOBLIN 15973 111 15996 IMP 54810 141 54811 KOBOLD 15974 112 15997 KUO-TOA 54806 135 54807 LICH 54820 150 54821 LYCANTHROPE 54766 122 54767 MEPHIT 54808 139 54809 MIND_FLAYER 54775 124 54776 OGRE 15975 113 15998 OTYUGH 54782 127 54783 RAKSHASA 54788 128 54789 SAHUAGIN 54802 131 54803 SHADOW 54804 132 54805 SLIME 54749 119 54750 SPIDER 15977 116 16000 TROLL 54791 129 54793 UMBERHULK 54796 130 54798 VAMPIRE 54779 125 54780