BG1 Opcodes

#0 (0x0) Stat: AC vs. Damage Type Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: AC Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'AC Modifier' field to the category specified by the 'Type' field.

Known values for 'Type' are:
0 All
1 Crushing
2 Missile
4 Piercing
8 Slashing
16 Base AC setting (sets the targets AC to the value specified by the 'AC Modifier' field. If the targets AC is already 'AC Modifier' or below, this effect will do nothing).

Each modifier type to AC from this opcode is capped to the range [-20, 20]. Each AC type total is capped to the range [-32768,32767].

Note: IWD1 and PST use a slightly different version. The “Base AC” sets to field - 1 instead.
IWD2 uses different parameters altogether.

#1 (0x1) Stat: Attacks Per Round Modifier Variants: BGEE
Parameter #1: Key Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Alters a characters Attacks per Round, by changing the Key by the modifier value specified by the 'Key Value' field, in the style specified by 'Type' field.
Key Attacks Per Round
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 0.5
7 1.5
8 2.5
9 3.5
10 4.5

Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Key = Key + 'Key Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Key = 'Key Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Key = (Key * 'Key Modifier' value) / 100
3 Cumulative Modifier -> Same as 0
Info: When this opcode is stacked, the values of the Key Modifier are stacked, not the number of attacks.
Note: IWD1 treats all keys above 5 as 5. PST does not support Type 3, while BG(2)EE uses it differently.

#2 (0x2) Cure: Sleep
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes opcode #39 effects and the STATE_SLEEPING flag from the targeted creature(s).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Note: Does not remove the STATE_HELPLESS flag.
Note: At least in EEs, it can remove opcode #177 effects targeting an EFF with opcode #39. Does not always work when delayed.

#3 (0x3) State: Berserking Variants: IWD1
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the berserk effect to the targeted creature(s) in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Target will uncontrollably attack enemies if any are in view, and will occasionally attack neutral creatures.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Default/In Combat -> Only berserk while in combat.
1 Constant -> always berserk, sets SPELLSTATE 39 - ANIMAL_RAGE (only in EEs).
2 Blood Rage -> this is probably not implemented. It should be linked to SPELLSTATE 35 - SUPPRESS_HP_INFO. (only in EEs)

The affected creature becomes berserk and its AI scripts stop running. Grants a +2 bonus to hit and damage with all weapons. It also sets the STATE_BERSERK flag.

Note: Forces creature(s) to use a melee weapon if possible.
Note: This effect only affects party members.
Note: The second paragraph hasn’t been verified for PST and BG1 yet, but likely holds.
Important: Used with timing modes 1/4/7 results in setting STATE_BERSERK when it triggers (and using its default behavior), rather than attaching a removable effect with selected behavior.

#4 (0x4) Cure: Berserking
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes opcode #3 effects and STATE_BERSERK from the targeted creature(s). Does not remove opcode #245, opcode #246 and opcode #247 effects.
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).
Note: At least in BG2 and EEs, this effect only affects player characters.
Note: At least in BG2 and EEs, this effect can remove opcode #177 effects targeting an EFF with opcode #3.

#5 (0x5) Charm: Charm Specific Creature Variants: IWD1 IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: General Type
Parameter #2: Charm Type
Charms the targeted creature(s) according to value in the 'Charm Type' field, if the target is matched by the value in the 'General Type' field. Values for 'General Type' are from General.ids.
Known values for 'Charm Type' are:
0 Neutral Charm
  • Does not alter targets allegiance stat.
  • Maintains EA REALLYCHARMED on the target if the caster is EA GOODCUTOFF.
  • Maintains EA CHARMED_PC on the target if the caster is EA NOTGOOD.
  • Maintains Portrait Icon 'Charm' on the target.
  • Effect ends if the creature is attacked by EA GOODCUTOFF.
  • Target displays "charmed" string.

1 Hostile Charm
  • Sets targets allegiance to GOODCUTOFF if the caster is EVILCUTOFF.
  • Sets targets allegiance to EVILCUTOFF if the caster is NOTEVIL.
  • Maintains EA REALLYCHARMED on the target if the caster is GOODCUTOFF.
  • Maintains EA CHARMED_PC on the target if the caster is NOTGOOD.
  • Maintains Portrait Icon 'Charm' on the target.
  • Effect ends if the creature is attacked by EA GOODCUTOFF.
  • Target displays "charmed" string.

2 Neutral Dire Charm
  • Does not alter targets allegiance stat.
  • Maintains EA CONTROLLED on the target if the caster is GOODCUTOFF.
  • Maintains EA ENEMY on the target if the caster is NOTGOOD.
  • Maintains Portrait Icon 'Dire Charm' on the target.
  • Effect ends if the creature is attacked by EA GOODCUTOFF.
  • Target displays "dire charmed" string.

3 Hostile Dire Charm
  • Sets targets allegiance to GOODCUTOFF if the caster is EVILCUTOFF.
  • Sets targets allegiance to EVILCUTOFF if the caster is NOTEVIL.
  • Maintains EA CONTROLLED on the target if the caster is GOODCUTOFF.
  • Maintains EA ENEMY on the target if the caster is NOTGOOD.
  • Maintains Portrait Icon 'Dire Charm' on the target.
  • Effect ends if the creature is attacked by EA GOODCUTOFF.
  • Target displays "dire charmed" string.

4 Controlled by Cleric
  • Sets targets allegiance to GOODCUTOFF if the caster is EVILCUTOFF.
  • Sets targets allegiance to EVILCUTOFF if the caster is NOTEVIL.
  • Maintains EA CONTROLLED on the target if the caster is GOODCUTOFF.
  • Maintains EA ENEMY on the target if the caster is NOTGOOD.
  • Target displays "turned" string.

5 Thrull Charm
  • Does not alter targets allegiance stat.
  • Maintains EA ENEMY on the target (regardless of casters Allegience).
  • Sets THRULLCHARM stat to 1.
  • Maintains Portrait Icon 'Charm' on the target.
  • Target displays "charmed" string.

1000 Neutral Charm (no Feedback) -> Same as 0, but target does not display any string.
1001 Hostile Charm (no Feedback) -> Same as 1, but target does not display any string.
1002 Neutral Domination -> Same as 2, except:
  • Maintains Portrait Icon 'Domination' on the target.
  • Target does not display any string.

1003 Hostile Domination -> Same as 3, except:
  • Maintains Portrait Icon 'Domination' on the target.
  • Target does not display any string.

1004 Controlled by Cleric (no Feedback) -> Same as 4, but target does not display any string.
1005 Thrull Charm (no Feedback) -> Same as 5, but target does not display any string.
Note: If this effect turns a party member hostile, it will disable all of their scripts.
Note: In EEs, the “Dice Thrown” parameter can be used to override the maintained EA Value. It is used in all but the first application of the effect.

#6 (0x6) Stat: Charisma Modifier Variants: IWD1 PST
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Charisma = Charisma + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Charisma = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Charisma = (Charisma * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 0 and 'Statistic Modifier' is positive, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, and a message 'Charisma raised permanently' will be shown.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 1 or 2, or 'Statistic Modifier' is negative, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, though no message is shown.
With all other Timing Modes, the statistic will alter and be shown in red text.

#7 (0x7) Colour: Set Character colours by Palette Variants: IWD1
Parameter #1: Gradient Number
Parameter #2: Location
Alters the colour of the area specified by the 'Location' field, to the colour gradient specified by the 'Gradient Number' field.
Known values for 'Location' are:
00 Belt Buckle (on armour) or amulets (on robes) - entire body for some animations
01 Minor colour
02 Major colour
03 Skin colour
04 Strap colour (on armour) or minor trimming (on robes - the centre strip down a robe and the hem on some robes)
05 Armor colour (and major trimming on robe - cross trim and cape trim on robe of archmagi)
06 Hair colour
16 Quillons or Crossguard
20 Grip (usually not visible as it's in the characters hand)
21 Blade or major portion of weapon
32 Shield hub
33 Shield interior
34 Shield panelling
34 Helmet misc
37 Shield rim
48 Helm ornamentation - i.e. wings
49 Helm ornamentation - i.e. feathers/horsehair
50 Helm ornamentation - i.e. feathers/horsehair
52 Helm face
53 Helm - the main covering
255 Whole Body (at least in IWD2)

#8 (0x8) Colour: Change by RGB Variants: IWD1 PST BG2
Parameter #1: RGB Colour
Parameter #2: Location
Alters the colour of the area specified by the 'Location' field, to the colour specified by the 'RGB Colour' field.
The 'RGB Colour' field is handled as follows:
Second byte = Red (0-255)
Third byte = Green (0-255)
Fourth byte = Blue (0-255)
Known values for 'Location' are:
00 Belt Buckle (on armour) or amulets (on robes) - entire body for some animations
01 Minor colour
02 Major colour
03 Skin colour
04 Strap colour (on armour) or minor trimming (on robes - the centre strip down a robe and the hem on some robes)
05 Armor colour (and major trimming on robe - cross trim and cape trim on robe of archmagi)
06 Hair colour
16 Quillons or Crossguard
20 Grip (usually not visible as it's in the characters hand)
21 Blade or major portion of weapon
32 Shield hub
34 Shield panelling
37 Shield rim
48 Helm ornamentation - i.e. wings
49 Helm ornamentation - i.e. feathers/horsehair
50 Helm ornamentation - i.e. feathers/horsehair
52 Unknown but listed in helm01
53 Helm - the main covering

#9 (0x9) Colour: Glow Pulse Variants: IWD1 PST BG2
Parameter #1: RGB Colour
Parameter #2: Location and Speed
Pulses the area specified by the 'Location and Speed' field, at the rate specified by the 'Location and Speed' field, with the colour specified by the 'RGB Colour' field. If the colour values are all set to 0, the glow effect only occurs if the creature is in darkness; outside at night, inside a building, or standing in shadows.
The 'RGB Colour' field is handled as follows:
Second byte = Red (0-255)
Third byte = Green (0-255)
Fourth byte = Blue (0-255)
The 'Location' field is handled as follows:
First byte = Location
Third byte = Speed (0-255)
A speed of 0 does not pulsate. A speed of 1 is fastest, and a speed of 255 is slowest.
Known values for 'Location' are:
00 Belt Buckle (on armour) or amulets (on robes) - entire body for some animations
01 Minor colour
02 Major colour
03 Skin colour
04 Strap colour (on armour) or minor trimming (on robes - the centre strip down a robe and the hem on some robes)
05 Armor colour (and major trimming on robe - cross trim and cape trim on robe of archmagi)
06 Hair colour
16 Quillons or Crossguard
20 Grip (usually not visible as it's in the characters hand)
21 Blade or major portion of weapon
32 Shield hub
34 Shield panelling
37 Shield rim
48 Helm ornamentation - i.e. wings
49 Helm ornamentation - i.e. feathers/horsehair
50 Helm ornamentation - i.e. feathers/horsehair
52 Unknown but listed in helm01
53 Helm - the main covering

#10 (0xA) Stat: Constitution Modifier Variants: IWD1 PST
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Constitution = Constitution + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Constitution = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Constitution = (Constitution * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 0 and 'Statistic Modifier' is positive, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, and a message 'Constitution raised permanently' will be shown.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 1 or 2, or 'Statistic Modifier' is negative, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, though no message is shown.
With all other Timing Modes, the statistic will alter and be shown in red text.

#11 (0xB) Cure: Poison
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes opcode #25 poison effects and STATE_POISON from the targeted creature(s).
Info: This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Info: At least in EEs, this effect can remove opcode #177 effects targeting an EFF with opcode #25.

#12 (0xC) HP: Damage Variants: BG2 BGEE PST
Parameter #1: Damage Amount
Parameter #2: Type
Damages the target by the value specified by the 'Damage Amount' field, with the damage type specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Crushing
1 Crushing Set to Value
2 Crushing Set to Percentage
65536 Acid
65537 Acid Set to Value
65538 Acid Set to Percentage
131072 Cold
131073 Cold Set to Value
131074 Cold Set to Percentage
262144 Electricity
262145 Electricity Set to Value
262146 Electricity Set to Percentage
524288 Fire
524289 Fire Set to Value
524290 Fire Set to Percentage
1048576 Piercing
1048577 Piercing Set to Value
1048578 Piercing Set to Percentage
2097152 Poison
2097153 Poison Set to Value
2097154 Poison Set to Percentage
4194304 Magic
4194305 Magic Set to Value
4194306 Magic Set to Percentage
8388608 Missile
8388609 Missile Set to Value
8388610 Missile Set to Percentage
16777216 Slashing
16777217 Slashing Set to Value
16777218 Slashing Set to Percentage
33554432 Magic Fire
33554433 Magic Fire Set to Value
33554434 Magic Fire Set to Percentage
67108864 Magic Cold
67108865 Magic Cold Set to Value
67108866 Magic Cold Set to Percentage
134217728 Stunning
134217729 Stunning Set to Value
134217730 Stunning Set to Percentage
268435456 Soul Eater
268435457 Soul Eater Set to Value
268435458 Soul Eater Set to Percentage
1073741824 Disease
1073741825 Disease Set to Value
1073741826 Disease Set to Percentage

The Dice values can be used to inflict varying damage amounts - e.g. 2d6 would do 2-12 damage (Damage type is still specified by the 'Type' value).
If 'Damage Amount' and the Dice values are both non-zero, the total damage inflicted is: 'Damage Amount' + Dice value.
'Damage Amount' can be positive or negative (though the damage sound will play in either case).

Note: ‘Stunning’ damage does not stun the target. Stunning damage cannot kill a creature, creatures are reduced to 1 HP and are knocked unconscious.
Warning: Using ‘Magic Fire’ as a damage type will result the game to crash if the damage kills the target.

#13 (0xD) Death: Instant Death Variants: IWD1 PST BG2
Parameter #1: Text Notification
Parameter #2: Death Type
Instantly kills the targeted creature(s), in the style specified by the 'Death Type' value.
Known values for 'Text Notification' are:
0 Show death message
1 Don't show death message
Known values for 'Death Type' are:
0 Acid death
1 Burning death
2 Crushed death
4 Normal death
8 Chunked death
16 Stoned death
32 Freezing death
64 Exploding stoned death
128 Exploding freezing death
256 Electrified death

#14 (0xE) Graphics: Defrost Variants: BGEE PST
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
Temporarily removes the colouring indicating frozen_death from the targeted creature(s), but does not remove the frozen_death state itself.

#15 (0xF) Stat: Dexterity Modifier Variants: IWD1 IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Dexterity = Dexterity + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Dexterity = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Dexterity = (Dexterity * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 0 and 'Statistic Modifier' is positive, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, and a message 'Dexterity raised permanently' will be shown.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 1 or 2, or 'Statistic Modifier' is negative, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, though no message is shown.
With all other Timing Modes, the statistic will alter and be shown in red text.

#16 (0x10) State: Haste Variants: IWD1
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the Haste effect, in the style specified by the 'Type' value.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Normal Haste - double the movement rate and grants an additional Attack Per Round (APR), rounded down (capped at 6)
1 Improved Haste - double the movement rate and doubles APR (capped at 10)
2 Weak Haste – Speed haste without attack bonuses, round APR up (capped at 5)

All of them set STATE_HASTED. Improved/Weak function by setting an additional STAT value, which modifies the behavior of STATE_HASTED:

The normal and improved haste types grant a -2 initiative (weapon speed) bonus. All types:
- grant portrait icons
- increase the creature's animation speed and the animation speed of Opcode 140 effects
- halve the creature's round timer used by attacks, modal abilities and "Auto-Pause: End of Round"
- increase frequency of application of poison, disease, regeneration, Cast on Condition and Use EFF File (at Frequency), but not below 1s

Info: This effect will cancel out the slow opcode.
Warning: BG1 only supports haste type 0.

This opcode will set the STATE_HASTED flag and nothing else when applied with timing mode 1, and cannot be removed within the game by any means, only suppressed by Slow. This only works when applying normal/improved haste (there’s no difference, since the STAT for improved haste doesn’t get set this way), weak haste does not do anything with timing mode 1.

#17 (0x11) HP: Current HP Modifier Variants: BG2 IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> HP = HP + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> HP = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> HP = (HP * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
Note: If ‘Statistic Modifier’ and the Dice values are both non-zero, the total HP change is: ‘Statistic Modifier’ + Dice value.

#18 (0x12) HP: Maximum HP Modifier
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> HP = HP + 'Statistic Modifier' value (affects current and max HP)
1 Flat Value Modifier -> HP = 'Statistic Modifier' value (affects current and max HP)
2 Percentage Modifier -> HP = (HP * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100 (affects current and max HP)
3 As 0 (does not affect current HP)
4 As 1 (does not affect current HP)
5 As 2 (does not affect current HP)

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
Note: For non-permanent timing modes of ‘Type’ 2 or 5 use the base maximum HP value, and therefor override other ‘Type’ 2 or 5 modifiers.
Note: If ‘Statistic Modifier’ and the Dice values are both non-zero, the total HP change is: ‘Statistic Modifier’ + Dice value.

#19 (0x13) Stat: Intelligence Modifier Variants: IWD1
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Intelligence = Intelligence + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Intelligence = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Intelligence = (Intelligence * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 0 and 'Statistic Modifier' is positive, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, and a message 'Intelligence raised permanently' will be shown.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 1 or 2, or 'Statistic Modifier' is negative, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, though no message is shown.
With all other Timing Modes, the statistic will alter and be shown in red text.

#20 (0x14) State: Invisibility Variants: IWD1 IWD2 PST BG2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the invisibility effect, in the style specified by the 'Type' value.
Known values for 'Type' are :
0 Normal Invisibility -> affected creature makes the first attack with +4
1 Improved Invisibility -> affected creature stays invisible after attack
Note: ‘Improved Invisibility’ does not provide saving throw bonuses.
Note: ‘Improved Invisibility’ lingers after the duration is spent and works permanently if used as a ‘While Equipped’ effect.

#21 (0x15) Stat: Lore Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Lore = Lore + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Lore = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Lore = (Lore * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
Warning: This effect does not work with Timing Mode 1.

#22 (0x16) Stat: Cumulative Luck Bonus Variants: IWD1 PST
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field. Luck affects the minimum damage caused by a weapon (up to the normal maximum damage of the weapon) and the attack roll modifier (up to a maximum of 20, excluding natural attack roll modifiers, e.g. high STR, invisibility etc) by 'Statistic Modifier' amount. 'Statistic Modifier' also affects the damge rolls of opponents (in feature blocks, not extension headers). The effect does not set STATE_LUCK.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Luck = Luck + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Luck = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Luck = (Luck * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#23 (0x17) Stat: Morale Modifier Variants: BG2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Special: Mode
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Morale = Morale + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Morale = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Morale = (Morale * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
At least in EEs, known values for 'Mode' are:
0 BG2 mode -> It's hardcoded to fill the following values:
  • param #1 = 10
  • param #2 = 1
  • m_done = 1 (internal field that immediately removes the effect from creature, no matter duration)

In addition, it checks if the creature is berserking, and if it is, it returns without doing anything.
1 BG1 mode -> Default (functions as expected)
Note: Any Morale-based effect (i.e. Panic) may be added or removed by this effect.

#24 (0x18) State: Horror Variants: IWD1
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the horror effect to the targeted creature(s) in the style specified by the 'Type' field, which is suspected to be an EE extension.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 -> Default
Non-zero -> Bypass opcode #101 (Immunity to effect)

#25 (0x19) State: Poison Variants: BGEE IWD1 IWD2 PST BG2
Parameter #1: Damage Amount
Parameter #2: Type
Damages the target by the 'Damage Amount' value, in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Inflict 'Damange Amount' per second
1 Inflict 'Damage Amount' as a percentage of total HP
2 Inflict 'Damage Amount' per second
3 Inflict 'Damage Amount' per round
4 Inflict Param 3 Damage every Param 1 seconds
Important: The 'Damage Amount' parameter should be set a positive value.

#26 (0x1A) Item: Remove Curse Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes cursed items from the targeted creature(s).

#27 (0x1B) Stat: Acid Resistance Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.

#28 (0x1C) Stat: Cold Resistance Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.

#29 (0x1D) Stat: Electricity Resistance Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.

#30 (0x1E) Stat: Fire Resistance Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.

#31 (0x1F) Stat: Magic Damage Resistance Modifier Variants: BG2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
Note: A negative resistance negates damage entirely

#32 (0x20) Cure: Death (Raise Dead) Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Raises the targeted creature(s) from the dead.
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.

#33 (0x21) Stat: Save vs. Death Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.

#34 (0x22) Stat: Save vs. Wands Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.

#35 (0x23) Stat: Save vs. Petrification/Polymorph Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.

#36 (0x24) Stat: Save vs. Breath Weapons Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.

#37 (0x25) Stat: Save vs. Spells Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.

#38 (0x26) State: Silence
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the silence effect to the targeted creature(s). A silenced creature cannot cast spells, use special abilities or initiate dialog. The engine is hard-coded to allow these spells to be cast by a silenced creature:
  • SPWI219 (Vocalize)
  • SPIN649 (Teleport to Pocket Plane) in BG2/BGEE

#39 (0x27) State: Unconsciousness Variants: IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Wake on Damage
Special: Icon
Applies the unconsciousness effect to the targeted creature(s).
Known values for 'Wake on Damage' are (only in EEs):
  • 0 => Yes
  • 1 => No
'Icon' defines the index from STATDESC.2DA for custom portrait icons (EE only).
Note: A permanent timing mode will set the STATE_HELPLESS flag. In such a case, that flag cannot be removed in-game.

#40 (0x28) State: Slow
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the slow effect to the targeted creature(s).
Info: This effect will cancel out the haste opcode.
Note: This effect doubles the casting time of all spells. Not verified for IWD2.
Warning: This opcode will set the STATE_SLOWED flag and nothing else when applied with timing mode 1, and cannot be removed within the game by any means, only suppressed by Haste.

#41 (0x29) Graphics: Sparkle Variants: IWD1 IWD2 PST BG2
Parameter #1: Colour
Parameter #2: Type
Displays the sparkle effect specified by the 'Type' field, in the colour specified by the 'Colour' field. The colour field may be connected to sprkclr.2da.
Known values for 'Colour' are:
0 Crash
1 No effect / Black
2 White / White -> Blue
3 Purple -> White / Purple -> White
.. White
13 Crash
Known values for 'Type' are:
1 Sparkle Puff
2 No effect?
3 Sparkle Shower
Info: Both of these params use only the lower 16 bits (upper bits might have other function).

#42 (0x2A) Spell: Wizard Spell Slots Modifier Variants: IWD1
Parameter #1: Slot Amount Modifier
Parameter #2: Spell Level
Alters the number of wizard spell slots available to the targeted creature(s), as specified by the 'Slot Amount Modifier' field, at the level specified by the 'Spell Level' field. Wizard spells are used by Bards, Sorcerers and Wizards in IWD2.
Known values for 'Spell Level' are:
0 Double spells
1 Level 1
2 Level 2
4 Level 3
8 Level 4
16 Level 5
32 Level 6
64 Level 7
128 Level 8
256 Level 9
For a 'Spell Level' of 0, the amount of spell slots is doubled for the level specified by the 'Slot Amount Modifier' value and all levels below. The target creature(s) must have at least 1 slot at the selected level to have their slot count changed. If the resultant slot count is negative, the creature is given 12 slots.

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.

#43 (0x2B) Cure: Stone to Flesh
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Changes the targeted creature(s) from stone to flesh.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#44 (0x2C) Stat: Strength Modifier Variants: IWD1 IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Strength = Strength + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Strength = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Strength = (Strength * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 0 and 'Statistic Modifier' is positive, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, and a message 'Strength raised permanently' will be shown.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 1 or 2, or 'Statistic Modifier' is negative, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, though no message is shown.
With all other Timing Modes, the statistic will alter and be shown in red text.

#45 (0x2D) State: Stun Variants: IWD1
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Stuns the targeted creature(s).
Note: At least in EEs, this opcode automatically provides the ‘Stun’ portrait icon.

#46 (0x2E) Cure: Stun (Unstun) Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Unstuns the targeted creature(s) (opcode #45).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.

#47 (0x2F) Cure: Invisibility
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes the invisibility effect from the targeted creature(s).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#48 (0x30) Cure: Silence (Vocalize)
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes the silence effect and the silenced state from the targeted creature(s).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.

#49 (0x31) Stat: Wisdom Modifier Variants: IWD1 PST
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Wisdom = Wisdom + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Wisdom = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Wisdom = (Wisdom * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 0 and 'Statistic Modifier' is positive, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, and a message 'Wisdom raised permanently' will be shown.
With a Timing Modes of Permanent or Delayed, if 'Type' is 1 or 2, or 'Statistic Modifier' is negative, the statistic will alter and remain shown in white text, though no message is shown.
With all other Timing Modes, the statistic will alter and be shown in red text.

#50 (0x32) Colour: Glow by RGB (Brief) Variants: IWD1 IWD2 PST BG2
Parameter #1: RGB Colour
Parameter #2: Speed
The targeted creature(s) entire animation glows the colour specified by the 'RGB Colour' field, at the speed specified by the (3rd byte of the) 'Speed' field.
The 'RGB Colour' field is handled as follows:
Second byte = Red (0-255)
Third byte = Green (0-255)
Fourth byte = Blue (0-255)
The 'Speed' field is handled as follows:
Third byte = Speed (0-255)
A speed of 0 does not pulsate. A speed of 1 is fastest, and a speed of 255 is slowest.

#51 (0x33) Colour: Strong/Dark by RGB Variants: IWD1 IWD2 BG2
Parameter #1: RGB Colour
Parameter #2: Location
Alters the colour of the area specified by the 'Location and Speed' field, to the colour specified by the 'RGB Colour' field.
The 'RGB Colour' field is handled as follows:
Second byte = Red (0-255)
Third byte = Green (0-255)
Fourth byte = Blue (0-255)

Known values for 'Location' are:
00 Belt Buckle (on armour) or amulets (on robes) - entire body for some animations
01 Minor colour
02 Major colour
03 Skin colour
04 Strap colour (on armour) or minor trimming (on robes - the centre strip down a robe and the hem on some robes)
05 Armor colour (and major trimming on robe - cross trim and cape trim on robe of archmagi)
06 Hair colour
16 Quillons or Crossguard
20 Grip (usually not visible as it's in the characters hand)
21 Blade or major portion of weapon
32 Shield hub
34 Shield panelling
37 Shield rim
48 Helm ornamentation - i.e. wings
49 Helm ornamentation - i.e. feathers/horsehair
50 Helm ornamentation - i.e. feathers/horsehair
52 Unknown but listed in helm01
53 Helm - the main covering

#52 (0x34) Colour: Very Bright by RGB Variants: IWD1 IWD2 PST BG2
Parameter #1: RGB Colour
Parameter #2: Location
Alters the colour of the area specified by the 'Location' field, to the colour specified by the 'RGB Colour' field.
The 'RGB Colour' field is handled as follows:
Second byte = Red (0-255)
Third byte = Green (0-255)
Fourth byte = Blue (0-255)

Known values for 'Location' are:
00 Belt Buckle (on armour) or amulets (on robes) - entire body for some animations
01 Minor colour
02 Major colour
03 Skin colour
04 Strap colour (on armour) or minor trimming (on robes - the centre strip down a robe and the hem on some robes)
05 Armor colour (and major trimming on robe - cross trim and cape trim on robe of archmagi)
06 Hair colour
16 Quillons or Crossguard
20 Grip (usually not visible as it's in the characters hand)
21 Blade or major portion of weapon
32 Shield hub
34 Shield panelling
37 Shield rim
48 Helm ornamentation - i.e. wings
49 Helm ornamentation - i.e. feathers/horsehair
50 Helm ornamentation - i.e. feathers/horsehair
52 Unknown but listed in helm01
53 Helm - the main covering

#53 (0x35) Graphics: Animation Change Variants: IWD1 IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Animation ID
Parameter #2: Type
Alters the animation of the targeted creature(s) to the animation specified by the 'Animation ID' field, in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for Animation ID' are: (from ANIMATE.IDS - in decimal)
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Change animation - non-permanently
1 Remove any non-permanent animation change ('Animation ID' is unused)
2 Change animation - permanently

#54 (0x36) Stat: THAC0 Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> THAC0 = THAC0 + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> THAC0 = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> THAC0 = (THAC0 * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Note: This effect adjusts the base stat, rather than modified THAC0.

#55 (0x37) Death: Kill Creature Type Variants: PST
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
Kills the targeted creature(s) with HD less than those specified by the Dice values, if the target(s) match the IDS mask.
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
2 EA.ids
3 General.ids
4 Race.ids
5 Class.ids
6 Specific.ids
7 Gender.ids
8 Align.ids
9 Kit.ids (EE-only)
'IDS Entry' is a value from the specified IDS file, indicating the specific creature type to affect.

#56 (0x38) Alignment: Invert Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Inverts the alignment of the targeted creature(s).
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#57 (0x39) Alignment: Change Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Alignment
Alters the alignment of the targeted creature(s) to the value specified by 'Alignment'.
Known values for 'Alignment' are:
00 None
17 Lawful Good
18 Lawful Neutral
19 Lawful Evil
33 Neutral Good
34 True Neutral
35 Neutral Evil
49 Chaotic Good
50 Chaotic Neutral
51 Chaotic Evil

#58 (0x3A) Cure: Dispellable Effects (Dispel Magic)
Parameter #1: Level
Parameter #2: Type
Dispels magic from the targeted creature(s) (excepting magical weapons eg. Spirtual Hammer). Depending on the value of the 'Type' field, the 'Level' field can be used to set the level of the effect.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Always dispel
1 Use Caster Level
2 Use 'Level' field
With 'Type' of 1 or 2, the base chance of successfully dispelling is 50%. This chance is modified by the relative levels of the dispeller to the caster. Each level below gives a -10% chance, each level above gives a +5% chance. There is always a 1% chance of success or failure.

#59 (0x3B) Stat: Stealth Modifier
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Stealth = Stealth + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Stealth = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Stealth = (Stealth * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Note: In BG2 and EEs, this effect alters the Move Silently skill.

#60 (0x3C) Stat: Miscast Magic Variants: BG2 IWD1
Parameter #1: Percent Chance
Parameter #2: Type
The targeted creature(s) will fail to cast the type of spell specified by the 'Type' field, 'Percent Chance' percent of the time.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Mage Spells
1 Cleric Spells

#61 (0x3D) Crash Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
Warning: This effect crashes the game.
Note: This effect has previously been referenced as Alchemy.

#62 (0x3E) Spell: Priest Spell Slots Modifier Variants: IWD1
Parameter #1: Slot Amount Modifier
Parameter #2: Spell Level
Alters the number of priest spell slots available to the targeted creature(s), as specified by the 'Slot Amount Modifier' field, at the level specified by the 'Spell Level' field.
Known values for 'Spell Level' are:
0 Double spells
1 Level 1
2 Level 2
4 Level 3
8 Level 4
16 Level 5
32 Level 6
64 Level 7
For a 'Spell Level' of 0, the amount of spell slots is doubled for the level specified by the 'Slot Amount Modifier' value and all levels below. The target creature(s) must have at least 1 slot at the selected level to have their slot count changed. If the resultant slot count is negative, the creature is given 12 slots.

'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.

#63 (0x3F) State: Infravision
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Gives the targeted creature(s) infravision.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#64 (0x40) State: Remove Infravision
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes infravision from the targeted creature(s).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Note: This will not remove racial infravision.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#65 (0x41) Overlay: Blur
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the blur effect to the targeted creature(s). Graphical displacement is affected by movement rate.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#66 (0x42) Graphics: Transparency Fade Variants: IWD1 PST
Parameter #1: Fade Amount
Parameter #2: Visual Effect
Fades the targeted creature(s) by the value in the amount specified by the 'Fade Amount' field in the style specified by the 'Visual Effect' field.
Known values for 'Fade Amount' are:
1 Fully visible
255 Almost invisible
Known values for 'Visual Effect' are:
0 -> Draw instantly
1 -> Fade in
2 -> Fade out

This effect sets stat #60 (TRANSLUCENT) to param #1.

#67 (0x43) Summon: Creature Summoning Variants: IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Unknown
Parameter #2: Control
Summons a creature, with EA set to the 'Control' field. The Resource key should be set to the filename of the creature to summon.
Known values for 'Control' are:
0 Match target (hostile if no target)
1 Match target (hostile if no target)
2 As creature file
3 Match target (hostile if no target)
4 As creature file
5 Hostile to target
6 As creature file
8 As creature file
255 As creature file

If effect's target is set as 'Original Caster' then the 'Control' parameter covers 'Location' as well as control. In this case, nown values for 'Control' are:
2 = Summoned at location of target creature
4 = Summoned at location of caster
6 = Summoned at location of caster

#68 (0x44) Summon: Unsummon Creature
Parameter #1: Text Notification
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Unsummons a creature, with feedback controlled by 'Text Notification'.
Known values for 'Text Notification' are:
0 No text notification
1 Show text notification
Note: At least in BG2 and EEs, the Resource key should be set to the filename of the animation to play when unsummoning the creature, and defaults to SPGFLSH1 if left empty.

#69 (0x45) Protection: From Detection (Non-Detection)
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the non-detection effect to the targeted creature(s), setting STATE_NONDETECTION while active. This effect is negated by effect #70 Cure: Non-Detection. While in the non-detection state, the creature is immune to effects #47: Cure Invisibility and #116: Remove invisibilty, though they are affected by effects that remove illusionary protections by school or secondary type.

#70 (0x46) Cure: Non-Detection Variants: IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes the Non-Detection effect from the targeted creature(s).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.

#71 (0x47) IDS: Sex Change
Parameter #1: Gender Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Alters the gender of the targetted creature(s) to the value specified by the 'Gender.ids' field, in the style specified by the 'Type' value.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Reverse Gender
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Gender = 'Statistic Modifier' value (values from gender.ids)

The effect modifies stat 193.

#72 (0x48) IDS: Set IDS State Variants: IWD2 PST BG2
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
Alters the IDS state of the targeted creature(s) specified by the 'IDS File' field, to the value specified by the 'IDS Entry' field.
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
1 Generic
2 Race
3 Class
4 Specific
5 Gender
6 Align
If 'IDS File' is 0, the EA state of the target is altered. The values used do not match ea.ids, use the values below for 'IDS Entry':
0 Friendly (green circle)
64 Neutral (blue circle)
255 Hostile (red circle)

#73 (0x49) Stat: Extra Damage Modifier Variants: IWD1
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Modifier Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field. The effect is an additive modifier, like adding +10 damage.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Damage = Damage + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Damage = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Damage = (Damage * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Note: PST treats all Type values above 1 as 1 - it does not support the percentage modifier.

#74 (0x4A) State: Blindness Variants: BG2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the blindness effect to the targeted creature(s). Does not affect PC's.

#75 (0x4B) Cure: Blindness
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes the blindness effect from the targeted creature(s).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#76 (0x4C) State: Feeblemindedness Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the feeblemind effect to the targeted creature(s) - creatures are unselectable, immobile and do not respond to combat.
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Important: A creature's scripts do not run while the creature is feebleminded.

#77 (0x4D) Cure: Feeblemindedness
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes the feeblemind effect from the targeted creature(s).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#78 (0x4E) State: Disease Variants: BG2 BGEE IWD1 PST
Parameter #1: Damage
Parameter #2: Type
Set the Damage parameter as the amount of damage, and the Disease Type parameter as how the disease functions.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Hit Points per Second
1 No effect?
2 Hit Points per Second
3 1 Hit Point per 'Damage'
4 Strength Penalty
5 Dexterity Penalty
6 Constitution Penalty
7 Intelligence Penalty
8 Wisdom Penalty
9 Charisma Penalty

'Damage' can be positive (penalty) or negative (bonus).
Important: Permanent timing modes require a duration for this effect to work.

#79 (0x4F) Cure: Disease
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes the disease effect from the targeted creature(s).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#80 (0x50) State: Deafness Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the Deafness effect on the targeted creature(s) - creatures suffer a casting failure rate of 50% (20% in bg1, unknown in iwd1). This is cumulative with Miscast Magic.
Warning: PST: it is unclear if this effect exist or does anything!

#81 (0x51) Cure: Deafness
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Remove the deafness effect from the targeted creature(s).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).
Warning: PST: it is unclear if this effect exists or does anything!

#82 (0x52) Set AI Script Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Sets the script type specified by the 'Type' value to the contents of the resource key.
Known values for 'Type' are:
Warning: This effect can unset scripts from a creature, which can break the game.

#83 (0x53) Protection: From Projectile Weapon Variants: IWD1 IWD2 PST BG2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Protects from the projectile specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
04 Arrow
09 Axe
14 Bolt
19 Bullet
26 Throwing Dagger
34 Dart
64 Gaze (thac0 bonus of 32767)

#84 (0x54) Stat: Magical Fire Resistance Modifier Variants: IWD1 IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Damage = Damage + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Damage = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Damage = (Damage * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#85 (0x55) Stat: Magical Cold Resistance Modifier Variants: IWD1 IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Damage = Damage + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Damage = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Damage = (Damage * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#86 (0x56) Stat: Slashing Resistance Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Damage = Damage + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Damage = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Damage = (Damage * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#87 (0x57) Stat: Crushing Resistance Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Damage = Damage + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Damage = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Damage = (Damage * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#88 (0x58) Stat: Piercing Resistance Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Damage = Damage + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Damage = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Damage = (Damage * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#89 (0x59) Stat: Missiles Resistance Modifier Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Damage = Damage + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Damage = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Damage = (Damage * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#90 (0x5A) Stat: Open Locks Modifier
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Skill = Skill + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Skill = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Skill = (Skill * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#91 (0x5B) Stat: Find Traps Modifier
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Skill = Skill + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Skill = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Skill = (Skill * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#92 (0x5C) Stat: Pick Pockets Modifier
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Skill = Skill + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Skill = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Skill = (Skill * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#93 (0x5D) Stat: Fatigue Modifier
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Skill = Skill + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Skill = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Skill = (Skill * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#94 (0x5E) Stat: Drunkenness Modifier
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Skill = Skill + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Skill = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Skill = (Skill * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#95 (0x5F) Stat: Tracking Skill Modifier
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Skill = Skill + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Skill = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Skill = (Skill * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#96 (0x60) Stat: Level Change Variants: BG2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
THAC0, saving throws, turn undead level and thief skills are not affected. Spell slots and selection are not affected (though casting level is). Single/dual class characters gain 2 HP/level, multi-class characters gain 1 HP/level. Warriors gain an extra 1/2 attack at levels 7 and 13. Gaining any XP while at the altered level makes the level change permanent.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Level = Level + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Level = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Level = (Level * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#97 (0x61) Stat: Strength-Bonus Modifier
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Bonus = Bonus + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Bonus = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Bonus = (Bonus * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#98 (0x62) HP: Regeneration Variants: BGEE IWD1 IWD2 PST BG2
Parameter #1: Regeneration Amount
Parameter #2: Type
Restores HP to the value of 'Regeneration Amount' in the style specified by the 'Type' field, to the targeted creature(s).
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Restore 'Regeneration Amount' per second
1 Restore 'Regeneration Amount' as a percentage of total HP
2 Restore x HP every second
3 Restore 1HP every x seconds
4 Restore Param 3 HP every Param 1 seconds
Important: Permanent timing modes require a duration for this effect to work.

#99 (0x63) Spell Effect: Duration Modifier
Parameter #1: Duration Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Alters spell durations of the targeted creature(s), to the percentage specified by the 'Duration Modifier' field, affecting the spell type specified by the 'Type' field. Timing mode 0 is the only timing mode reliably affected. Timings handled through PRO files are ignored.
'Duration Modifier' = 0 -> Spells have no duration
'Duration Modifier' = 100 -> Spells have normal duration
'Duration Modifier' = 200 -> Spells have double duration
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Mage
1 Priest
Note: Not seen to work in BG1.

#100 (0x64) Protection: from Creature Type Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
Gives the targeted creature(s) protection from the creature type specified by the 'IDS File' and 'IDS Entry' fields.
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
2 EA.ids
3 General.ids
4 Race.ids
5 Class.ids
6 Specific.ids
7 Gender.ids
8 Align.ids / Alignmen.ids (in iwd1, pst)
9 Kit.ids (only in EEs)

To be protected from any creature, leave the Entry at zero, and the File at 2. Protection will grant the bearer immunity from being attacked, cast a spell at, or otherwise targeted by creatures with this type.

#101 (0x65) Protection: from Opcode
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: opcode
Gives the targeted creature(s) protection from the opcode specified by the 'opcode' field.

#102 (0x66) Protection: from Spell Levels
Parameter #1: Spell Level
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Gives the targeted creature(s) protection from spells up to the level specified by the 'Spell Level' field. A spell is assigned to a spell level by the power level of the first effect greater than the 'Spell Level' parameter in the extended header that is being called.
Known values for 'Spell Level' are:

#103 (0x67) Text: Change Name
Parameter #1: String Reference
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Alters the name of the targeted creature(s) to the strref specified by the 'String Reference' field. When used with a duration timing, after the duration, the name will be set to a blank entry.

#104 (0x68) Stat: Experience Points
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> XP = XP + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> XP = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> XP = (XP * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#105 (0x69) Stat: Gold Variants: BG2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Gold = Gold + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Gold = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Gold = (Gold * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Note: This effect can only be used to lower the gold value.
Note: PST does not support the percentage modifier type (unknown what it actually does).

#106 (0x6A) Stat: Morale Break Modifier
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Morale Break = Morale Break + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Morale Break = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Morale Break = (Morale * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#107 (0x6B) Portrait Change
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Sets the portrait of the targeted creature(s) to that specified in the resource key, based on the 'Type' value. This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Small portrait
1 Large portrait

#108 (0x6C) Stat: Reputation
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Sets the individual reputation of the targeted creature(s) to the value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
This does not affect the main reputation of the Party, unless 'Type' 3 or 4 are used. Though it can affect ranger/paladinhood of any target.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Reputation = Reputation + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Reputation = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Reputation = (Reputation * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
3 Increment Party Reputation -> by 10x param#1, cannot lower reputation below 100, will raise reputation to 100 if already less (only in EEs)
4 Reset Party Reputation to 100 (only in EEs)

#109 (0x6D) State: Hold Variants: BG2 BGEE PST
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
Applies the hold effect to the targeted creature(s), if the targeted creature(s) match the value specified by the 'IDS Entry' field, in the specified 'IDS File'.
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
2 EA.ids
3 General.ids
4 Race.ids
5 Class.ids
6 Specific.ids
7 Gender.ids
8 Align.ids

#110 (0x6E) (Retreat From) Variants: IWD2 PST BG2
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
The use of this effect is unknown, and effect of its parameters are undefined.
Warning: This effect has never been seen to work.

#111 (0x6F) Item: Create Magical Weapon
Parameter #1: Amount
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Creates the item specified by the resource key. The number of items created is controlled by the 'Amount' field. The item is created in the Magical Weapon slot (SLOT_MISC19 - #34).
Important: The Magical Weapon slot does not allow Item Abilities (header_type = 3).
Warning: The resource field should not be empty, or the game will crash (not consistently, but it happens).

#112 (0x70) Item: Remove Item
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes a single instance (or stack) of the item specified by the resource key from the targeted creature(s). Items in container items (e.g. Bags of Holding) will not be removed. If a creature has multiple instances of the item, the one in the lowest slot number (see slots.ids) is removed. EFF_M02 is hard-coded to play when an item is removed. This effect should be used to remove equipped items (use opcode #123 for inventory items).

#113 (0x71) Item: (Equip Weapon) Variants: BG2
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
The use of this effect is unknown, and effect of its parameters are undefined.

#114 (0x72) Graphics: Dither Variants: IWD1
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
The use of this effect is unknown, and effect of its parameters are undefined.
Warning: This effect has never been seen to work.

#115 (0x73) Detect: Alignment Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Alignment Mask
Detects the alignment specified by the 'Alignment Mask' field.
Known values for 'Alignment Mask' are:
0 Evil (Glow red)
1 Neutral (Glow blue)
2 Good (Glow Green)

#116 (0x74) State: Cure Invisibility
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes invisibility from the targeted creature(s).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#117 (0x75) Spell Effect: Reveal Area Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Reveals the current area.
Note: This does not remove the fog of war.

#118 (0x76) Detect: (Show Creatures) Variants: BG2
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
The use of this effect is unknown, and effect of its parameters are undefined.
Warning: This effect has never been seen to work.

#119 (0x77) Spell Effect: Mirror Image Variants: IWD1
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the mirror image effect to the targeted creature(s). The number of images is dicated by the level of the caster.

#120 (0x78) Protection: from Melee Weapons
Parameter #1: Enchantment
Parameter #2: Type
Gives the targeted creature(s) immunity to melee weapons as specified by the 'Type' field. The 'Enchantment' field is used if 'Type' is set to 0.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Enchantment
1 Magical
2 Non-Magical
3 Silver
4 Non-Silver
5 Silver / Non-Magical
6 Two-Handed
7 Non Two-Handed
8 Cursed
9 Non-Cursed
10 Cold-Iron
11 Non Cold-Iron

#121 (0x79) Empty:
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This opcode has no effect. Sometimes known as "Graphics: (Visual Animation Effect)".

#122 (0x7A) Item: Create Inventory Item Variants: IWD2 BG2
Parameter #1: Charges
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Creates a single instance of the item specified by the resource key. The item is created in the Inventory.
Important: This opcode only works when used with a delayed timing mode (4).

#123 (0x7B) Item: Remove Inventory Item
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes the item specified by the resource key from the targeted creature(s). This effect should be used to remove inventory items (use opcode #112 for equipped items).

#124 (0x7C) Spell Effect: Teleport (Dimension Door) Variants: BGEE PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Teleports the targeted creature(s).

#125 (0x7D) Spell Effect: Unlock (Knock)
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the knock effect to the targeted creature(s).
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#126 (0x7E) Stat: Movement Modifier Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
The engine allows values for 'Statistic Modifier' from 0 (immobile) to 255 (instantaneous), though behaviour is only consistent in the range 0 - 30.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Movement = Movement + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Movement = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Movement = (Movement * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Note: BG1 does not support the cumulative modifier and will behave as if in flat modifier mode.

#127 (0x7F) Summon: Monster Summoning Variants: IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Number
Parameter #2: Type
Special: Mode
Summons a number of monsters.
Each CRE files has a Creature Power Level number (at 0x18). The amount of monsters summoned by this effect depends on this value, the special parameter and if it's used in SPL / ITM or from an external EFF.
When used in SPL/ITM, known value for 'Mode' are:
  • 0 => Summon until Creature Power Level equals/exceeds 'Number'
  • 1 => Summon amount equal to 'Number'
  • 2 => Summon until Creature Power Level equals/exceeds "Caster Level"

When used in EFF, known value for 'Mode' are:
  • 0 => Summon until Creature Power Level equals/exceeds 'Number'
  • 1 => Summon amount equal to ('Number' + Dice rolls)
  • 2 => Summon until Creature Power Level equals/exceeds "Caster Level" field of EFF (located at offset 0xc8)

The 'Type' field sets which 2DA file to pick the creatures to summon from. The 2da files are monsumX and anisumX, where X = 'Type' + 1. 0-4 are allied , 5-9 are hostile. The specific 2da files used are:
  • 0 MONSUM01 Monster Summon 1
  • 1 MONSUM02 Monster Summon 2
  • 2 MONSUM03 Monster Summon 3
  • 3 ANISUM01 Animal Summon 1
  • 4 ANISUM02 Animal Summon 2
  • 5 MONSUM01 Monster Summon 1 Hostile
  • 6 MONSUM02 Monster Summon 2 Hostile
  • 7 MONSUM03 Monster Summon 3 Hostile
  • 8 ANISUM01 Animal Summon 1 Hostile
  • 9 ANISUM02 Animal Summon 2 Hostile

A custom .2da file can be entered in the resource field (untested in bg1).
If used from an external effect (.eff), the vvc field controls the bam file played when summoning.

#128 (0x80) State: Confusion
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the confusion effect the targeted creature(s). The creature will run around uncontrollable, randomly attacking.

#129 (0x81) State: Aid Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies a bless effect, a bonus to HP and a bonus to saving throws to the targeted creature(s). The bonus is a number of 8-sided dice, with the number of dice controlled by the 'Statistic Modifier' value.

#130 (0x82) State: Bless Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Modifies the THAC0, damage and morale of the target creature(s) by the amount specified by the 'Modifier' parameter.
Note: In IWD2 the effect is non-cumulative and also removes any Bane effects. This does not apply to Doom in other games.

#131 (0x83) State: Positive Chant Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the chant effect to the targeted creature(s). Chant affects the minimum damage caused by a weapon (up to the normal maximum damage of the weapon) and the attack roll modifier (up to a maximum of 20, excluding natural attack roll modifiers, e.g. high STR, invisibility etc) by 'Statistic Modifier' amount. The effect sets STATE_CHANT.
'Modifier' must be in the [-6,5] range.
Note: Multiple chant effects are not cumulative.

#132 (0x84) State: Raise Strength, Constitution, & Dexterity Non-Cumulative
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Raises the strength, constitution and dexterity of the targeted creature(s) by the value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field. A negative value of 'Statistic Modifier' sets the strength, constitution and dexterity of the targeted creature(s) to 25.

#133 (0x85) Spell Effect: Luck Non-Cumulative
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field to the targetted creatures luck. Luck affects the minimum damage caused by a weapon (up to the normal maximum damage of the weapon) and the attack roll modifier (up to a maximum of 20, excluding natural attack roll modifiers, e.g. high STR, invisibility etc) by 'Statistic Modifier' amount. 'Statistic Modifier' also affects the damge rolls of opponents (in feature blocks, not extension headers). The effect sets STATE_LUCK.

#134 (0x86) State: Petrification
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the petrification effect to the targeted creature(s). This effects kills & removes PC's from the party, and ends the game if used on the Protagonist (not in IWDs or PST).
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#135 (0x87) Graphics: Polymorph into Specific Variants: IWD2 PST BG2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Polymorphs the targeted creature(s) into the creature specified by the resource key, in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Resistances/statistics gained, spell-casting disabled, colouring
1 No resistances/statistics gained, spell-casting enabled, colouring
2 No resistances/statistics gained, spell-casting enabled, no colouring

#136 (0x88) State: Force Visible
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
Renders the targeted creature(s) partially visible: removes normal invisibility, but not the improved invisibility state; the targeted is visible and attackable, but not targetable by spells.

The effect has no meaning on visible targets.
This effect has no duration.
Important: Leave both parameters at zero for this effect to work.

#137 (0x89) State: Negative Chant Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the chant effect to the targeted creature(s).

This effect works as the reverse of chant. The effect sets STATE_CHANTBAD.

#138 (0x8A) Graphics: Character Animation Change Variants: IWD1 PST BG2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Animation Sequence
The targeted creature(s) shows the animation sequence specified by the 'Animation Sequence' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
1 Lay down (short)
2 Move hands (short)
3 Move hands (long)
4 Move shoulder (short)
5 Move shoulder (long)
6 Lay down (long)

#139 (0x8B) Text: Display String
Parameter #1: String Reference
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Displays the strref specified by the 'String Reference' value.
Info: At least in EE games, it is possible to colorize the string. In order to do so, follow the instructions concerning the colorization of the name of your character during Character Creation.

#140 (0x8C) Graphics: Casting Glow Variants: BGEE IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Creates a 2D animation for casting glow. These effects are usually used for casting glows based on the spell school.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 .. 8 = Crash
9 Casting Glow Aqua (Necromancy)
10 Casting Glow Blue (Alteration)
11 Casting Glow Gold (Enchantment)
12 Casting Glow Green (Abjuration)
13 Casting Glow Magenta (Illusion)
14 Casting Glow Purple (Conjuration)
15 Casting Glow Red (Invocation)
16 Casting Glow White (Divination)
17+ Crashes

#141 (0x8D) Graphics: Lighting Effects Variants: BGEE IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Target
Parameter #2: Type
Shows the lighting effect (a .bam file) specified by the 'Type' value at the location specified by 'Target'. These effects are usually used for spell hits based on the spell school.
Known values for 'Target' are:
0 Current Location
Non-0 Target Location
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 aqua SHAIR
1 aqua SHEARTH
2 aqua SHWATER
3 *crash*
4 blue SHAIR
5 blue SHEARTH
6 blue SHWATER
7 *crash*
8 gold SHAIR
9 gold SHEARTH
10 gold SHWATER
11 *crash*
12 green SHAIR
13 green SHEARTH
14 green SHWATER
15 *crash*
16 magenta SHAIR
17 magenta SHEARTH
18 magenta SHWATER
19 *crash*
20 purple SHAIR
21 purple SHEARTH
22 purple SHWATER
23 *crash*
24 red SHAIR
25 red SHEARTH
26 red SHWATER
27 *crash*
28 white SHAIR
29 white SHEARTH
30 white SHWATER
31 *crash*
33 grey MUSHROOM
34 green MUSHROOM
35 red PILLAR
36 white PILLAR
37 white SWIRL
38 Shadow Door (SPDIMDR) (BGs)
39 Finger of Death (SPFDEATH) (BG2)
40+ *crash* (BG2)

#142 (0x8E) Graphics: Display Special Effect Icon Variants: IWD1 IWD2 BG2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Icon
Shows the icon specified by the 'Icon' field on the targeted creature(s) portrait.
All values are drawn directly from STATES.BAM in the GUIBam.bif starting at sequence 65.
Known values for 'Icon' are:
0 Charm
1 Dire Charm
2 Rigid Thinking
3 Confusion
4 Berserk
5 Intoxicated
6 Poisoned
7 Nauseated
8 Blind
9 Protection from Evil
10 Protection from Petrification
11 Protection from Missiles
12 Magic Armour
13 Held
14 Sleep
15 Shielded
16 Protection from Fire
17 Blessed
18 Chant
19 Free Action
20 Barkskin
21 Strength
22 Heroism
23 Invulnerable
24 Protection from Acid
25 Protection from Cold
26 Resist Fire/Cold
27 Protection from Electricity
28 Protection from Magic
29 Protection from Undead
30 Protection from Poison
31 Non-detection
32 Good luck
33 Bad luck
34 Silenced
35 Cursed
36 Panic
37 Resist Fear
38 Haste
39 Fatigue
40 Bard Song
41 Slow
42 Regenerate
43 Domination
44 Hopelessness
45 Greater Malison
46 Spirit Armour
47 Chaos
48 Feebleminded
49 Defensive Harmony
50 Champion's Strength
51 Dying
52 Mind Shield
53 Level Drain
54 Polymorph Self
55 Stun
56 Regeneration
57 Perception
58 Master Thievery

#143 (0x8F) Item: Create Item in Slot Variants: IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Slot
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Creates the item specified by the resource key in the slot specified by the 'Slot' field, on the targeted creature(s).
Known values for 'Slot' (from slots.ids) are:
11 AMMO0
12 AMMO1
13 AMMO2
14 AMMO3
15 MISC0
16 MISC1
17 MISC2
18 MISC3
19 MISC4
20 MISC5
21 MISC6
22 MISC7
23 MISC8
24 MISC9
25 MISC10
26 MISC11
27 MISC12
28 MISC13
29 MISC14
30 MISC15
31 MISC16
32 MISC17
33 MISC18
34 MISC19 – Magical Weapon slot
Important: The Magical Weapon slot does not allow Item Abilities (header_type = 3).
Moreover, unlike opcode #111, this opcode will not "equip" the item that's created in this particular slot.
Note: When using a non-permanent timing mode, it applies a delayed opcode #123 effect based on the duration, but with an empty resource field, resulting in nothing being removed.

#144 (0x90) Button: Disable Button Variants: IWD1 IWD2 BG2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Button
Disabled the button specified by the 'Button' field.
Known values for 'Button' are:
0 Stealth Button
1 Thieving Skill Button
2 Spell Select Button
3 First Quick Spell Button
4 Second Quick Spell Button
5 Third Quick Spell Button
6 Turn Undead Button
7 Talk Button
8 Use Item Button
9 First Quick Item Button
11 Second Quick Item Button
12 Third Quick Item Button
13 Innate Ability Button

#145 (0x91) Spell: Disable Spell Casting Abilities Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Spell Type
Special: Show message?
Disables spell casting abilities of the targeted creature(s), in the style specified by the 'Spell Type;' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Wizard
1 Priest
2 Innate
3 Innate, only 'magical' abilities (SPL flags bit 14 "Ignore dead/wild magic" unset) (BGEE)

#146 (0x92) Spell: Cast Spell (at Creature) Variants: IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Casting Level
Parameter #2: Type
Casts the spell specified by the resource key at the level specified by the 'Casting Level' field, in the style specified by the 'Type' field. A 'Casting Level' of 0 casts at the level of the casting creature.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Normal Casting
1 Cast Instantly
If the target is a container, the Type parameter is ignored and treated as 0

#147 (0x93) Spell: Learn Spell Variants: BG2 IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
The targeted creature(s) learn the spell specified by the resource key.

#148 (0x94) Spell: Cast Spell (at Point)
Parameter #1: Casting Level
Parameter #2: Type
Casts the spell specified by the resource key, at the level specified by the 'Casting Level' field, in the style specified by the 'Type' field. A 'Casting Level' of 0 casts at the level of the casting creature.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Normal Casting
1 Cast Instantly
Note: This opcode does not work if the target is a container in non-ee versions.

#149 (0x95) (Identify)
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
The use of this effect is unknown, and effect of its parameters are undefined.

#150 (0x96) Spell Effect: Find Traps
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the find traps effect to the targeted creature(s).
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).
Important: This effect is automatically successful, but can only find traps that are normally detectable by the Find Traps skill.

#151 (0x97) Summon: Replace Creature Variants: IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Replaces the targeted creature(s) with creature specified by the resource key, in the style specified by the 'Type' value.
Known values for 'Type' are:
  • 0 => Remove targeted creature via opcode #168
  • 1 => Kill targeted creature via opcode #13*8 (Chunking death)
  • 2 => Kill targeted creature via opcode #13*4 (Normal death)
  • 3 => No effect on targeted creature – New creature (specified by the resource key) is spawned at target's location
Note: Experience is given as normal for a kill (the party still has to be the one applying the effect to earn experience).

#152 (0x98) Spell Effect: Play Movie Variants: IWD1 IWD2 PST BG2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Plays the movie specified by the resource key.
Known movies are:

#153 (0x99) Overlay: Sanctuary Variants: BGEE
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the sanctuary effect to the targeted creature(s).

This effect sets stat #63 (SANCTUARY) to 1.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#154 (0x9A) Overlay: Entangle Variants: BGEE
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the entangle visual effect to the targeted creature(s). Does not actually prevent the target from moving.

This effect sets stat #62 (ENTANGLE) to 1.
Important: Both parameters should be set to 0.

#155 (0x9B) Overlay: Minor Globe Variants: BGEE IWD2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the minor globe visual effect to the targeted creature(s).

This effect sets stat #64 (MINORGLOBE) to 1.

#156 (0x9C) Overlay: Protection from Normal Missiles Cylinder Variants: BGEE
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the protection from normal missiles cylinder visual effect to the targeted creature(s).

This effect sets stat #65 (SHIELDGLOBE) to 1.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#157 (0x9D) State: Web Effect Variants: BGEE
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the web effect to the targeted creature(s). The affected creature becomes immobile and its AI scripts stop running.

This effect sets stats #58 (HELD) and #67 (WEB) to 1. It also sets the STATE_HELPLESS flag.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).
Note: It cannot be removed by any of the stun/held removal opcodes.

#158 (0x9E) Overlay: Grease Variants: BGEE
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the grease visual effect to the targeted creature(s). Does not actually affect the target's movement rate.

This effect sets stat #66 (GREASE) to 1.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#159 (0x9F) Spell Effect: Mirror Image (Exact Number)
Parameter #1: Amount
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the mirror image effect to the targeted creature(s), creating a number of images equal to the 'Amount' value.

#160 (0xA0) Remove Sanctuary Variants: IWD2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes the sanctuary effect from the targeted creature(s).
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#161 (0xA1) Cure: Horror
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes the horror effect from the targeted creature(s).
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.

#162 (0xA2) Cure: Hold Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes the paralysis effect (opcode #109 and opcode #175) from the targeted creature(s).
Important: This effect should be used with an instant timing mode.

#163 (0xA3) Protection: Free Action Variants: BGEE
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the free action effect to the targeted creature(s), restoring the creatures movement rate to its default value if the current movement rate value is below the default for the animation type.
Also check out the EE description here.

#164 (0xA4) Cure: Drunkeness Variants: BGEE
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
The use of this effect is unknown, and effect of its parameters are undefined.

#165 (0xA5) Spell Effect: Pause Target
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Applies the pause effect to the targeted creature(s).
In particular:
  • Their inventory is still access-able.
  • They are still select-able, and can be issued orders (for instance, activating modal abilities), though not all actions can be taken.
  • It does not interrupt/end modal abilities the creature is currently using.
  • They are not "helpless", an attack roll is still required to hit them.
  • Their scripts stop running.

This effect sets STAT #70 to 1.
Important: Both parameters should be 0.

#166 (0xA6) Stat: Magic Resistance Modifier Variants: PST BG2
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Note: For a ‘Type’ value of 0, any negative value of ‘Statistic Modifier’ will set the statistic to 127.

#167 (0xA7) Stat: THAC0 Modifier with Missile Weapons Variants: IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> THAC0 = THAC0 + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> THAC0 = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> THAC0 = (THAC0 * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

#168 (0xA8) Summon: Remove Creature Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Moves the targeted creature(s) to area ".ARE" (a non-existent area). Also known as Script: Destroy Self.

This deletes non-global creatures from the game (most common usage).

For Global Creatures:
  • This effect removes the creature from the player's party (if they were in it).
  • The effect will keep the creature out of the party and any other Area for its duration, but does not re-instate the creature once it expires.
  • They can still be recovered through script actions once the effect expires.
Important: Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

#169 (0xA9) Graphics: Prevent Special Effect Icon Variants: IWD1 IWD2 BG2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Icon
Prevents the icon specified by the 'Icon' field from being displayed.
All values are drawn directly from STATES.BAM in the GUIBam.bif starting at sequence 65.
Known values for 'Icon' are:
0 Charm
1 Dire Charm
2 Rigid Thinking
3 Confusion
4 Berserk
5 Intoxicated
6 Poisoned
7 Nauseated
8 Blind
9 Protection from Evil
10 Protection from Petrification
11 Protection from Missiles
12 Magic Armour
13 Held
14 Sleep
15 Shielded
16 Protection from Fire
17 Blessed
18 Chant
19 Free Action
20 Barkskin
21 Strength
22 Heroism
23 Invulnerable
24 Protection from Acid
25 Protection from Cold
26 Resist Fire/Cold
27 Protection from Electricity
28 Protection from Magic
29 Protection from Undead
30 Protection from Poison
31 Non-detection
32 Good luck
33 Bad luck
34 Silenced
35 Cursed
36 Panic
37 Resist Fear
38 Haste
39 Fatigue
40 Bard Song
41 Slow
42 Regenerate
43 Domination
44 Hopelessness
45 Greater Malison
46 Spirit Armour
47 Chaos
48 Feebleminded
49 Defensive Harmony
50 Champion's Strength
51 Dying
52 Mind Shield
53 Level Drain
54 Polymorph Self
55 Stun
56 Regeneration
57 Perception

#170 (0xAA) Graphics: Play Damage Animation Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Animation
Plays the damage animation specified by the 'Animation' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Blood (behind)
1 Blood (front)
2 Blood (left)
3 Blood (right)
4 Fire 1
5 Fire 2
6 Fire 3
7 Electricity 1
8 Electricity 2
9 Electricity 3

#171 (0xAB) Spell: Give Ability Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Gives the spell specified by the resource key to the targeted creature(s).

#172 (0xAC) Spell: Remove Spell Variants: IWD1 BG2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Removes the spell specified by the resource key from the targeted creature(s) spellbook.

#173 (0xAD) Stat: Poison Resistance Modifier Variants: BGEE
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Sets the Poison Resistance of the target creature(s) to the value specified by 'Statistic Modifier'.
Also known as "Stat: Set Poison Resistance".

#174 (0xAE) Spell Effect: Play Sound Effect Variants: IWD1 PST BG2
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Plays the sound effect specified by the resource key.
Known Sound Effects are:
EFF_E01 Draw upon holy might
EFF_E02 Armor / Free Action
EFF_E03 Barkskin
EFF_E04 Protection from evil
EFF_E05 Hold
EFF_E06 Silence
EFF_E08 Hold
EFF_M02 Blindness
EFF_M04 Detect Evil
EFF_M05 Sleep
EFF_M07 Death spell/ Larloch's drain
EFF_M08 Strength of One/Tenser's Transformation
EFF_M09 Dimension Door
EFF_M10 Dispel/Shapeshift
EFF_M11A Protection from Petrification
EFF_M11B Protection from Normal Missiles
EFF_M12B Minor Globe
EFF_M13 Summon
EFF_M15 Hold
EFF_M16 Charm
EFF_M18D Melf's Acid Arrow
EFF_M26 Animate Dead
EFF_M28 Haste/Slow
EFF_M29 Haste/Slow
EFF_M31C Grease
EFF_P01 Remove Fear/Curse
EFF_P02 Good Berries
EFF_P03 Invisibility Purge
EFF_P04 Command/Rigid Thinking
EFF_P07 Resist Fire/Cold
EFF_P10 Remove Paralysis
EFF_P11 Hold Person Priest
EFF_P13 Miscast Magic
EFF_P16 Flame Strike
EFF_P18 Raise Dead/Blindness
EFF_P21C Sanctuary
EFF_P27 Web

#175 (0xAF) State: Hold Variants: BG2 IWD2 IWD1
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
Applies the hold effect to the targeted creature(s), if the targeted creature(s) match the value specified by the 'IDS Entry' field, in the specified 'IDS File'. Shows the hold icon. The affected creature(s) have a yellow fade lighting effect before being held.
Applies the hold effect to the targeted creature(s),
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
2 EA.ids
3 General.ids
4 Race.ids
5 Class.ids
6 Specific.ids
7 Gender.ids
8 Align.ids

#176 (0xB0) Stat: Movement Modifier (II)
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
(As #126, but unaffected by Free Action).
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
The engine allows values for 'Statistic Modifier' from 0 (immobile) to 255 (instantaneous), though behaviour is only consistent in the range 0 - 30.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Movement = Movement + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Movement = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Movement = (Movement * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Warning: PST: This effect doesn’t exist and always crashes the game.

#177 (0xB1) Use EFF File
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
Applies the eff file specified by the resource key to the targeted creature(s), if the targeted creature(s) match the value specified by the 'IDS Entry' field, in the specified 'IDS File'.
NB. When using an eff to alter thac0/dmg bonus, set param1 = 0, and param2 = 2.
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
Warning: This effect causes a crash if used by a container
PST: This effect doesn’t exist and always crashes the game.
IWD2: there was a note to not use this effect in older IESDP.

#178 (0xB2) Spell Effect: THAC0 vs. Creature Type Modifier Variants: BG2 PST
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
Alters the targeted creature(s) THAC0 against the creature type specified by the 'IDS Entry' field in the specified 'IDS File'.
The actual modifier value is placed in the Parameter 3 field in an external effect.
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
2 Object.ids
3 General.ids
4 Race.ids
5 Class.ids
6 Specific.ids
7 Gender.ids
8 Align.ids

#179 (0xB3) Spell Effect: Damage vs. Creature Type Modifier Variants: BG2 PST
Parameter #1: Reference Value
Parameter #2: Reference IDS
Alters the targeted creature(s) damage against the creature type specified by the 'IDS Entry' field in the specified 'IDS File'. The actual modifier value is placed in the Parameter 3 field in an external effect - dice values are ignored.
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
2 Object.ids
3 General.ids
4 Race.ids
5 Class.ids
6 Specific.ids
7 Gender.ids
8 Align.ids

#180 (0xB4) Item: Can't Use Item Variants: IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: String Reference
Parameter #2: Undefined
The targeted creatures(s) cannot use the item specified by the resource key. The strref specified by the 'String Reference' field is displayed when an attempt to use the item is made.

#181 (0xB5) Item: Can't Use Itemtype Variants: BG2 BGEE IWD1 IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: String Reference
Parameter #2: Type
The targeted creature(s) cannot use the item type specified by the 'Type' field. The strref specified by the 'String Reference' field is displayed when at attempt to use such an item is made.
Warning: This effect has never been seen to work.

#182 (0xB6) Item: Apply Effect Item
Parameter #1: Unknown
Parameter #2: Unknown
Applies an effect when the specified item is equipped.
Warning: This effect has never been seen to work.
Warning: PST: This effect doesn’t exist and always crashes the game.

#183 (0xB7) Item: Apply Effect Itemtype Variants: IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: Undetermined
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the effect specified by the resource key to the targeted creature(s) when an item of the item type specified by the 'Type' field is equipped.
Note: Ammo (i.e., Arrows(5), Bullets(14) and Bolts(31)) does not work well with this opcode. The Ammo Slots are always “Equipped”, even when they are not in use. In other words: they trigger opcode #183 just by being in a quiver slot, regardless of whether the correct launcher is equipped or even active.
The offhand has the same issue – even when disabled, it’s detected by this opcode as equipped.
Having said that, this opcode currently allows detecting a launcher using its automated ammo (such as Shortbow of Gesen).
Warning: This effect has never been seen to work. This is not true for EE games.

#184 (0xB8) Graphics: Passwall (Don't Jump)
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Jump
Allows creatures to be placed in impassable areas, based on the value of the 'Jump' field.
Known values for 'Jump' are:
0 Do Jump from impassable areas
1+ Don't Jump from impassable areas
Warning: PST: This effect doesn’t exist and always crashes the game.
IWD2: Don’t use.

#185 (0xB9) State: Hold Variants: BG2 IWD2 PST
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
Applies the hold effect to the targeted creature(s), if the targeted creature(s) match the value specified by the 'IDS Entry' field, in the specified 'IDS File'. The affected creature(s) have a yellow fade lighting effect before being held.
Applies the hold effect to the targeted creature(s),
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
2 EA.ids
3 General.ids
4 Race.ids
5 Class.ids
6 Specific.ids
7 Gender.ids
8 Align.ids

#186 (0xBA) Script: MoveToArea Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Delay
Parameter #2: Orientation
Marks the targetted creature(s) as travelling to the area specified by the resource key. The creature appears in the specified area after a delay (specified by the 'Delay' field), with the orientation specified by the 'Orientation' field. The creature appears at the point specified by the Target Point fields (external EFF files only).
Warning: IWD2: there was a note to not use this effect in older IESDP.
There is some confusion whether the Target (bg1, iwds) or the Caster point field is used.

#187 (0xBB) Script: Store Local Variable Variants: PST BG2
Parameter #1: Value
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect stores a local variable, specified by the 'variable' field. This effect can only be used in an external effect (ie. an eff file).
Note: At minimum in later engines, this opcode can also store other values. Check the doc for BG2.

#188 (0xBC) Spell Effect: Aura Cleansing Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Stat Value
Set the 'Stat Value' field to any non-zero value if you want no time needed between spells.

The effect modifies STAT #76 to 'param2'.
Note: The ‘Stat Value’ parameter can take any value. If you set it to 0, you will disable the effect (for its duration).

#189 (0xBD) Stat: Casting Time Modifier Variants: PST BG2
Parameter #1: Speed Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Alters the casting time of spells by the value specified by the 'Speed Modifier' field. This effect is cummulative. Positive values decrease the casting time, negative values increase the casting time.

#190 (0xBE) Stat: Attack Speed Factor Variants: PST
Parameter #1: Speed Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Alters the weapon's attack speed by the value specified by the 'Speed Modifier' field. This effect is not cumulative. Attack speed ranges from 0 (good) to 10 (bad). This effect acts as a bonus, so a high 'Speed Modifier' is good.
This effect sets stat #78 (PHYSICALSPEED) to param #1.